Highest Peak of the World

'MtEverest' The highest Peak in World.
The highest Peak of the world is in Nepal which liess in Asia.It is called Mount Everest.Its height is 8848 m form the sea level..Mt Everest the highest peak was formed about 60 million years ago.It lies in ,Latitude 27° 59' N.....Longitude 86° 56' E It's summit ridge seperates Nepal and Tibet.

Sir George Everest was the first person to record the height and location of Mt. Everest, this is where Mt."Everest" got its name from(In american language).The number of people to attempt to climb Mt. Everest is reaches approximately 4,000. Accourding to the history in 1924 A.D. — British explorers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine disappear near the summit, along the Northeast Ridge.
It is possible that they may have actually been the first to reach the summit, but they never returned from the highest peak which became the history.


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